Above & Beyond Pest Control

Above and Beyond Pest
wild chipmunk

Running around trees, jumping from branch to branch, and collecting nuts are just some activities that make squirrels a delightful sight in parks and backyards. However, when they start to invade your property, they can quickly become a nuisance. They can cause damage to your home and garden and even become a health hazard. Below are signs you have an infestation and need squirrel removal.

Behavioral Signs 

Squirrels are known to be active during the day, and if you have a squirrel problem, you will begin to notice their activities. They are notorious for digging up bulbs and flowers from your garden, chewing on bird feeders, and even damaging your home's roof and attic. If you notice any of these behaviors, you may have a squirrel problem.

Additionally, squirrels are social animals and tend to live in groups. If you notice these critters gathering in your backyard or garden, it is a clear indication that you have an infestation.


Another clear sign that you have a squirrel problem is their droppings. Squirrel droppings are similar in shape and size to a raisin but have a darker color and rough texture. These droppings can be found in attics, crawl spaces, and near the base of trees.

Squirrel droppings are a health hazard as they can carry diseases such as leptospirosis, salmonella, and tularemia. If you find them in your home, it is crucial to clean them up immediately and take measures to prevent future infestations.

Nesting Material

Squirrels need a warm and secure place to build their nests, and your attic may seem like the perfect spot. They will often create nests out of leaves, twigs, and other materials they find on your property. If you notice any nesting materials in your attic or crawl space, that's a sign that squirrels have made your home their own.

Chewing Marks

Squirrels have sharp teeth that they use to chew on trees, bird feeders, and even electrical wires. If you notice any chew marks on these items, you may have a squirrel problem.

Chewing on electrical wires can be dangerous as it can cause a fire. Therefore, if you notice any chew marks on your electrical wires, it is crucial to contact a professional immediately.

Strange Noises

Squirrels are active during the day, and if you have a squirrel problem, you will begin to hear strange noises in your attic or crawl space. These noises can range from scratching, rustling, and scurrying sounds.

They are notorious for making noise as they move around, and if you hear any of these sounds, check around, as they might have made your home their own.

What to Do if You Have a Squirrel Problem

If you have a squirrel problem, it is essential to take action to prevent further damage to your property and prevent health hazards. Below are some steps you can take to shoo away squirrels:

1. They are attracted to food sources such as bird feeders, so removing these sources can discourage them from coming to your property.

2. Squirrels can enter your home through small holes and cracks, so it is crucial to seal these entry points.

3. There are various squirrel repellents available that can discourage squirrels from coming to your property.

4. Trapping squirrels can be an effective way to get rid of them. However, releasing them far away from your property is crucial to prevent them from returning.

5. If you are not comfortable handling squirrel infestations, it is essential to contact a professional squirrel exterminator company.


Squirrels can be a delightful sight, but they can also be a nuisance. Signs that you have a squirrel problem include behavioral signs, droppings, nesting material, chewing marks, and strange noises. It is essential to take action to prevent further damage to your property and prevent health hazards. Removing food sources, sealing entry points, using repellents, trapping, and contacting a professional squirrel exterminator company are some steps to eliminate squirrels.

If you're dealing with a squirrel infestation, don't hesitate to contact Above and Beyond Pest. We are a fully insured business that offers wildlife removal, trapping, exclusion, and clean-up services to rid your property of these pesky critters. Contact us today for squirrel removal services.